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Hydrangeas are a wonderful garden shrub that are easy to grow and bloom through a long season. They're elegant, colorful, and versatile, suitable in the landscape, garden beds, flowerpots, and even that tricky spot right by the front door. Hydrangeas come in a variety of colors ranging from white to blue, pink, red, purple and shades in between. Hydrangeas are best known for their chameleon-like ability to change the color of its flowers, and, you don't have to be a magician to make this happen.


When summer arrives, you may turn on your TV for entertainment, but there could be an equally entertaining show going on right in your own garden with 'the plants of summer.' When the sun is high and the temperatures soar, these plants display beautiful blooms and foliage, often attracting bees, butterflies and birds in the process. Add these beauties to your garden for a great summertime show!


Where would summer be without beloved zinnias? These easy-to-grow annual flowers really put a pop of color & structure in the summer landscape. They are super easy to grow and available in a rainbow of colors. One zinnia variety we just can't get enough of this season is the Queen Zinnia Lime Red. This unique, statuesque flower is sure to take center stage as the 'queen' of the garden this summer!

Gardening in Hampton Roads presents special opportunities when it comes to seaside gardening. With all of the water, there are a few considerations that you should take into account when gardening near the water.

Salt – When placing plants, you should consider both salt spray and actual flooding. Salt competes with the plant for moisture and should be washed off periodically. Generally, fine thin leaf plants are more tolerant of salt.