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Just because summer is winding down doesn’t mean your garden has to! Fall in Hampton Roads is one of the most beautiful times of the year offering vibrant colors and rich textures. The possibilities are endless when planning your fall garden and landscape, so keep the color coming with some of our favorite fall-blooming perennials:

It's just beginning to feel like fall, and winter is around the corner... so why are we talking about spring?! Well, fall is in fact the ideal time to plant spring-flowering bulbs ~ like tulips, daffodils, crocuses & hyacinth.

A flower bulb is really an underground storehouse and flower factory. Within the bulb is just about everything the plant will need to sprout and flower at the appropriate time. All bulbs need is to be planted in the ground at the appropriate season of the year, given liberal water, and then sit back and let Mother Nature do the rest!


There are apple trees that flourish in orchards with foxglove and clover at their feet, and then there are apples who stand all alone, trained on wire or string on the side of a house. Apple blossoms and juicy fruit can now captivate homeowners, apartment dwellers, condo owners, suburbanites and those short on space!

Our expert staff knows that laying a good foundation is the first step to successful gardening. From topsoil, potting soils, compost, grass seed and soil amendments, we have everything you need to help you keep your lawn and garden in tip top shape!

All McDonald mixes are specifically formulated for Hampton Roads to ensure your gardening success.

Bulbs are an easy way to add color, texture and bloom variety to your garden. They are easy to grow, quick to deliver, are relatively inexpensive and their versatility is unbeatable! They can be grown in most any garden situation, in pots, borders, rock gardens, grass and even indoors. Now’s the time to start planning for those spring flowering bulbs, but there's no need to confine your planting efforts to the garden. Don’t overlook those indoor bloomers like Amaryllis and Paperwhites for dramatic blooms to brighten your home this fall and winter.