The Blog

By Jeff Willett, Landscape Designer

Earth Day is that day every year that we can celebrate the planet we live on and the environment we all enjoy and want to protect. McDonald Garden Center supports the environmental movement and is dedicated to helping educate our local communities in the ways we can all contribute.

Here at McDonald Garden Center, we carry many plants, products, solutions and ideas that can impact our planet Earth in a positive way. Here are some of the ways we can help make you successful and, in turn, be kind to Mother Nature.

Mike Westphal, garden guru gives a sneak peak at the newest and most anticipated varieties of petunias and million bells for this weekend's annual petunia party! Mike also offers some invaluable advice on care and maintenance.

By Kathy Van Mullekom

Every time I move, I create my all-time favorite garden. Each is different and memorable.

First, there was the woodsy shade garden with camellias, azaleas, ferns and Japanese maples. Large-cupped, yellow Carlton daffodils emerged early spring under deciduous trees before they leafed out, and violet-flowering, cold- hardy geraniums (Geranium Rozanne) popped with summer color.