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The end of summer doesn’t mean the end of vegetable gardening. Cooler weather makes gardening more enjoyable and there are less insects to bug you. Actually, frost tends to improve the flavor of many cool weather crops. And, an added benefit is that many of these plants are visually pleasing in your yard, giving your landscape a boost in appearance.

To get started, we’ve compiled a few easy steps for fall veggie garden success.

Having trouble getting a lawn established under trees or in hard to grow areas? We've got you covered! Groundcovers are a great solution. They are perfect for covering large areas to add space for recreation as well as providing beauty. These dependable, low-growing plants spread to cover large areas. Groundcovers come in all shades of green and some produce flowers in different seasons. And, some even perform other duties like preventing erosion. Here's are a few of our top picks:



Did you know that the most successful time to seed your lawn is now? Basically 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after Labor Day offers the perfect time for your new seeds to build and establish roots. Why you ask?

CHINESE LANTERN, Physalis Alkekengi