Welcome to the Tropics - What’s New in Stock

New plants are arriving every day here at the garden center and we have an exciting selection of vibrant tropicals that will have you thinking of warm, sunny days and a gorgeous beach ahead. Join us as we explore the highlights of our latest arrivals and discover the wonders they can bring to your outdoor space.


Canna Lilies

One of the perennial stars of the tropical garden, canna lilies, are known for their breathtaking blooms and striking foliage. These showstoppers come in a variety of colors, including fiery reds, sunny yellows, and vibrant oranges. With their tall stalks and broad leaves, canna lilies create a dramatic presence wherever they're planted. Whether you're looking to add a splash of color to your flower beds or create a stunning focal point, these lilies are an excellent choice.

Important things to consider about cannas: 

  • You’ll need to give them 6-8 hours daily
  • Water them deeply and keep soil evenly moist, but avoid overwatering.
  • It’s well-advised to apply a layer of organic mulch around the plant to keep it from overheating in the summer and from freezing in the winter. 
  • Deadhead spent flowers and prune stalks after blooming.


Perennial Hibiscus

If you desire a beauty that graces your garden year after year, the perennial hibiscus is an ideal choice. With its large, ruffled flowers in mesmerizing hues of pink, red, and white, this plant is a tropical dream come true. Perennial hibiscus thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, making it a versatile addition to any garden. Imagine sipping your morning coffee surrounded by these stunning blooms - it's the perfect way to start your day.

Important things to consider about perennial hibiscus: 

  • They have a long blooming season that typically spans from mid-summer to early fall. The flowers open for only a day but are quickly replaced by new blooms.
  • Perennial hibiscus can reach an impressive height of 3 to 8 feet and have a spread of 2 to 4 feet, making them prominent and eye-catching in the garden.
  • Unlike their tropical counterparts, perennial hibiscus is cold hardy and can withstand freezing temperatures. They are suitable for growing in USDA hardiness zones 4 to 9.


Elephant Ears

Add a touch of the jungle with elephant ears, plants that evoke images of lush rainforests and hidden treasures. With their enormous, heart-shaped leaves, elephant ears create an instant tropical ambiance. These beauties can grow to impressive heights, making them an excellent choice for adding vertical interest to your garden. Their foliage ranges from deep green to rich burgundy, making a bold statement against any backdrop. Plant them in large containers or directly in the ground for a touch of drama in your outdoor oasis.

Important things to consider about elephant ears:

  • Elephant ear plants prefer partial shade to full shade. They thrive in moist, well-draining soil but can tolerate a range of soil conditions.
  • These plants are usually dormant during winter and sprout new growth in spring. They go through cycles of growth and rest throughout the year.
  • They can be grown in containers, making them suitable for patios, balconies, or indoor spaces. These plants also make a striking addition to garden landscapes, adding a bold and tropical element.
  • In colder regions, elephant ear plants are often treated as tender perennials or grown as annuals. They can be dug up and stored indoors during winter or protected with mulch to survive freezing temperatures.


Tropical Hibiscus

No tropical garden is complete without the classic tropical hibiscus. These vibrant flowering shrubs offer a profusion of showy blossoms that beckon hummingbirds and butterflies. From sunset oranges and fiery reds to delicate pinks and pure whites, tropical hibiscus come in a range of colors to suit any taste. Whether you want to create a hedge or a potted display on your patio, these captivating plants will infuse your garden with an undeniable tropical charm.

Important things to consider about tropical hibiscus:

  • These plants thrive in full sun, requiring at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Placing them in a sunny spot will ensure optimal blooming and growth.
  • They are best suited for USDA hardiness zones 9 to 11.
  • Tropical hibiscus can be grown in containers, allowing them to be moved indoors during colder months in regions with frost. They make beautiful additions to patios, balconies, or as houseplants.
  • The vibrant flowers of tropical hibiscus attract pollinators like bees and butterflies to the garden, aiding in the pollination of other plants and enhancing biodiversity.



For a touch of vertical elegance, look no further than mandevilla. This climbing vine produces an abundance of exquisite flowers in shades of pink, red, and white. With its vigorous growth and twining habit, mandevilla is perfect for training along fences, trellises, or pergolas. 

Important things to consider about mandevilla: 

  • Mandevilla is a climbing vine that can reach heights of 6 to 10 feet or more. They have twining stems and can be trained to climb trellises, fences, or walls.
  • These plants are perfect container companions, especially as a centerpiece for your porch or patio. 


Creating Your Tropical Oasis

Mix and match these tropical beauties to create a harmonious display of colors, heights, and textures. Combine canna lilies and perennial hibiscus for a vibrant flower bed, or pair elephant ears with tropical hibiscus to create a stunning focal point. Let mandevilla climb and weave its way through your garden, adding a touch of elegance wherever it goes.

Remember, the key to a successful tropical garden is to provide these plants with the right conditions. Most tropical plants thrive in full sun, well-drained soil, and regular watering. But check with our Green Team members first to make sure you have the right care instructions for your tropical plants. Consider creating a microclimate for them by planting them near walls or structures that can provide some protection from harsh winds.

To enhance the tropical feel, incorporate other elements such as colorful patio furniture, outdoor rugs, and decorative accents like lanterns or wind chimes. Consider adding a water feature like a small fountain or a pond to create a tranquil atmosphere.

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your tropical garden looking its best. Prune the plants as needed to maintain their shape and remove any dead or damaged foliage as you see it. Provide regular applications of plant food to promote healthy growth and vibrant blooms.


With our new stock of canna lilies, perennial hibiscus, elephant ears, tropical hibiscus, and mandevilla, you have a wealth of options to create your own tropical haven. Visit our store today and embark on a journey of botanical beauty and enchantment! To learn more about what’s growing on at the garden center, check out Mike, the Garden Guru, and his webinars with new plants, products, and expert planting advice. To keep inspired and grow with us, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok to dig into the joys of gardening!

