National Pollinator Week

From the McDonald Garden Center Blog

How to Attract Pollinators to Your Garden

Transforming your garden into a pollinator paradise is an exciting way to help the environment while making your outdoor space more beautiful and bountiful. Pollinators are crucial for our ecosystems, and with a few simple steps, you can create a welcoming haven for them right in your backyard. Here’s how to get started:

Natives vs. Nativars: Bridging the Gap Between Native Plants and Modern Gardening

In our modern world, the preservation and restoration of natural ecosystems have become vital considerations. When it comes to landscaping and gardening, one significant choice to make is between native plants and nativar plants. Native plants are plants that have existed in a specific region for thousands of years, while nativar plants are cultivated varieties that have been bred from native species.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Bees

Bees, the insect that consistently amazes us with their various abilities, are an integral part of our environment.  As nature's tiny superheroes, bees work tirelessly to create wonders that amaze us all. From pollination to honey-making, there is much to discover about these creatures beyond that bottle of honey sitting next to your breakfast spread. Today, we're delving into the remarkable lives of these buzzing creatures to uncover the mysteries behind honey production, hive dynamics, and more.

Top 10 Pollinator Friendly Plants

It’s a Pollinator Palooza at McDonald Garden Center! This week, June 20th - 26th, 2022, is National Pollinator Week. This week is one of the most important of the year, as it supports our local pollinators and their ecosystems. This year, during our Pollinator Palooza event, we are rounding up the best of the best plants for our favorite pollinators. Check out these Top 10 pollinator-friendly plants to put in your garden!

Creating a Pollinator Paradise

McDonald Garden Center welcomes National Pollinator Week as one of the most anticipated events of the year! We are celebrating this week-long event by dedicating it to the conservation and education of local pollinators in the Hampton Roads area and all around the world. 

Pollinator of the Week: Bees

National Pollinator Week is almost here! McDonald Garden Center, along with the rest of America, will be celebrating this week-long event. This week is dedicated to the conservation and education of our favorite friendly fliers. The past two weeks in June, we have had a “Pollinator of the Week” blog on the amazing pollinators we know and love.  

Pollinator of the Week: Butterflies

To celebrate the upcoming 2021 National Pollinator Week, June 21st - 27th, we are celebrating our favorite pollinators and plants that help the world go-round. 

Pollinator of the Week: Birds, Bats, and Beneficial Bugs

Pollinators are more than just bugs that like flowers. These insects and animals are an essential part of gardening and the greater world when it comes to planting cultivation and care. Without pollinators, we wouldn’t have the agricultural industry that exists around the world. Every time you take a bite of your favorite fruit or veggie, a pollinator likely took part in getting that food to you. 

BEE-Friendly Blooms

National Honey Bee Day is coming up Saturday, August 15th. Let’s herald these hard-working pollinators and support local beekeepers!