Fall Into Gardening

From the McDonald Garden Center Blog

It's all about Pansies!

Lucky for us gardeners, planting isn't just a spring activity. Your gardening season doesn't have to be over in the fall. Pansies are a great way to extend your blooms into cold weather.

Perfect Fall Companions

As nights become cooler and days get shorter, it’s time to get your fall garden off and running. We love pairing mums with companion plants for a truly unique fall garden. Try some of these out-of-the-box plants along with those beautiful mums we all know and love -- and sit back and enjoy a beautiful view this fall.

Fall Flowers: Extend the Beauty of Your Garden

by Kathy Van Mullekom, a lifelong gardener and gardening writer living in York County, VirginiaLast month, my pollinator perennial garden was an overgrown jungle – one very much alive with beaucoup butterflies. After a couple years of milkweed, bee balm and mountain mint spreading and multiplying, it was time to thin out, clean up and make room for fall-flowering perennials and annuals.