Deliciously NEW Plants for Spring 2013

Look what’s coming this spring. We have a whole selection of new and exciting stuff for your garden. Not to mention that the names are simply scrumptious.

Verbena Candy Cane - has eye-catching red and white flowers.This heat loving Verbena produces the flower power from spring through summer and into autumn. These sweetly swirled patterned blooms will stand out in any garden or patio. Candy Cane is perfect for container plantings, hanging baskets and in landscape beds.

Chocolate Covered Cherry Coleus - shows off non-fading, multi-color foliage in a unique bold pattern – the rose center on each leaf is surrounded by deep mahogany and edged with a thin green margin. Late flowering and dwarf size makes it adaptable to multiple uses. Performs well in planters and small space gardens in both sun and shade. Great companion to other “chocolate” coleus like Chocolate Mint.

Lemon Slice Million Bells - look like little Petunias, they perk right back up after it rains, and stay compact and bushy even when stressed. Covered with hundreds of flowers from early spring all the way through those first light frosts. Just 6 - 10 inches tall, long, trailing branches cascade over the sides of hanging baskets and other containers, and spread over flower beds. Vigor, heat tolerance and resistance to disease are traits. You don’t have to deadhead old flowers or pinch back stems. Water only when the top of the soil feels dry. Too much water makes the roots rot. Full sun. Fertilize once a month.The unique bicolor pattern of white and bright yellow has never been seen in a Calibrachoa, and it is sure to capture your attention. First availability: mid to late April

Check out more new plants here:
