
From the McDonald Garden Center Blog

Our Top 5 Porch-Worthy Container Ideas

Attention plant enthusiasts and outdoor aficionados! Are you ready to take your porch pot game to the next level? Look no further because we’ve got you covered, bringing you the most porch-worthy container ideas that will have your neighbors green with envy. Let's dive in!   The Thriller, Filler, Spiller:

How to Really Care for Succulents

Ah, succulents. With their captivating shapes, stunning colors, and survival skills that would make Bear Grylls jealous, these desert divas have taken the gardening world by storm. But let's be honest, caring for succulents can sometimes feel like you’re trying to tame a wild mustang. Fear not, our fellow green-thumb enthusiasts, for McDonald Garden Center has got your back! Prepare to embark on a wild journey into the world of succulent care, armed with our entertaining guide and a sprinkle of plant-whisperer wisdom.

Houseplant Highlight: Bonsai & Lucky Bamboo

Bonsai and Lucky Bamboo are some of the most captivating plants you can bring into your home. These plants are not only visually stunning, but they also have a rich cultural heritage that dates back centuries. With their unique beauty and symbolic value, they have captured the hearts of many plant enthusiasts. In this blog, we’ll discuss the ins and outs of these famed houseplants and how to care for them in your home. 

Our 5 Fave Philodendrons

Philodendrons are one of the most popular and versatile houseplants out there. With a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, they not only add jungle vibes to any room, they are also easy-to-care for. In this blog, we'll be sharing our top 5 favorite philodendrons in stock right now and why we love them. Whether you're an experienced plant parent, or just starting out, these plants are sure to catch your eye and bring a touch of color to your home. So, let's dive in and discover a new fave philodendron!

3 Ways to Optimize Your Weekends with Indoor Gardening

Are you looking for a way to add some life and creativity to your weekends? Indoor gardening can not only provide you with a fun hobby but a way for you to detach from the hustle and bustle of life and just do something for yourself. In the winter, it’s hard for us gardeners to get outside and dig into a new project, but there are plenty of good reasons to stay indoors and get your gardening on. So, let's get started on creating a green oasis in the comfort of your own home.  

7 Things You Need to Know about Dendrobium Orchids

Dendrobium orchids are a true sight to behold, with their delicate petals and striking hues. These tropical flowers seem to fit gracefully into any space, their ethereal beauty captivating all who behold them. But the charm of dendrobium orchids goes beyond mere appearance. These resilient plants have a unique ability to adapt to a wide range of growing conditions, making them a favorite among orchid enthusiasts.

5 Ways to Keep Your Houseplants Happy in January

January has arrived and we are so thrilled for a new year of gardening indoors and out! Now is the perfect time to prepare your houseplants for the chilliest months of the year because even though they are indoors, the outdoor weather can still affect their growing habits and health. To keep your houseplants looking and feeling happy, follow this 5-step guide from our Green Team. 

Plant Practices for the New Year

As the new year approaches, it’s time to look around the spaces you are in the most throughout the day and see what needs to be refreshed for the new year. This may mean adding in some green to your office or a splash of color to your kitchen. If you already have some plants to fill those needs, (which we are sure you do) it’s always great to change things around and add in a new plant that just screams “new year, new me!”

Our Top 5 Poinsettias of the Season

As one of the most famed and favored holiday houseplants, poinsettias are known for their fantastic color, tropical nature, and rich history. This makes them the perfect plant to have around to ring in some holiday cheer and create family traditions. At our year-round locations, we not only carry the traditional red poinsettia, but over 10 other varieties, as well as various sizes, to suit your decorating and gifting needs.

3 Signs that Tell You Your Plant Needs a Bigger Pot

Every once in a while, when you are watering your plants, you may notice one of them is really struggling. But why is it struggling? You water it on the right schedule, it’s in the best light spot, it is pest free, and it has been doing so well for so long…what happened?! This is when your plant might be ready for a repot. Some plants, depending on the kind, can go a very long time without needing to be repotted. Plants like snake plants, cacti, and zz plants can go years without needing to be repotted.